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Posted by Andrew on 8th February 2012
Will the Euro Survive?

The precarious state of the Eurozone continues to dominate the headlines, yet we are led to believe that the current crisis is bringing Europe closer together.

But what does coming closer together actually mean?

Intensive scrutiny suggests that national governments are handing over power to the European Council; in a bid to ensure existing political and financial structures remain intact. What we are seeing therefore is the emergence of an unholy alliance between politics and finance that is ensuring current circumstances do not change. Politics is being made subservient to capital and the short-term interests of shareholder capitalism.

My book Bilderberg People investigated the overwhelming influence the transnational elite policy making community wield over politicians, a topic that will be revisited and developed in my newest publication Global Elites.

In the absence of existing and robust pan EU institutions capable of dealing with the current crisis, it seems in the context of the Eurozone crisis we are witness to the power and influence of very particular interests as they position the informal lobbying process to maintain the current model of shareholder capitalism. Not even the most resilient leaders are able to withstand such influence.

Despite many important public figures recognising, in private, that the present situation is highly unsustainable and it is not in our favour to allow capital to continue to behave as it does, in public no one seems able to admit that. Perhaps it comes down to the psychology of not wanting to go against the grain, but the fact remains that our chance to reshape shareholder capitalism into a more social and sustainable model is being eroded. Yet still one overarching opinion remains amongst the powerful: the Euro should not fail. The current volatility makes so much money for the few.

So the Euro is likely to survive to the detriment of the greater majority and to the advantage of the few very rich. You may well ask, why do the very rich wish to become even richer at the expense of stability? Why would anyone wish to continue to amass wealth when there is nowhere to use it?