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Professor Andrew Kakabadse (centre), with Radu Hanga, Bucharest Stock Exchange President and Chairman (left), and Adrian Tanase, Bucharest Stock Exchange CEO (right).
Posted on 8th July 2021
Bucharest Stock Exchange and Envisia launch historic partnership

Andrew Kakabadse, Professor of Governance and Leadership at Henley Business School, has visited Romania in his role as Chairman of ENVISIA Boards of Elite, to  oversee the establishment of the strategically significant partnership  with the Bucharest Stock Exchange which will deliver top level management, leadership and governance programmes.

Envisia is the first Eastern European private business school for the development of senior leaders and directors and the new programme will focus exclusively on providing training for companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange.

To mark the occasion Andrew rang the Exchange’s symbolic bell which traditionally occurs when major listings and other significant achievements are completed.

Andrew commented: “This is a historic moment for Romania where education is being positioned to change the direction of an entire nation.”

“I would like to recognise the extraordinary contributions and hard work of the Envisia team, including Carmen Micu, CEO; Adriana Lobda, Founding Senior Board Member, and Gabriela Hartescu, Dean; and also the Bucharest Stock Exchange’s Chairman, Radu Hanga and the Exchange’s Board and marketing team. This is a groundbreaking educational partnership.”

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